Build up for the Lichfield half
With only 8 days (written last week)till my first half marathon of the year & my 2nd half ever. I’ve been concentrating on my distance runs as apposed to the shorter interval runs. (maybe this will come to bite me n the bum) I haven’t ran this distance since last year so my last couple of runs I’ve been running a little bit further to see if I’m ready for this distance. My usual Sunday run is just over 9 miles which I do OK on! The views & the terrain are picturesque & flat so easy to enjoy!
I had to run the Monday after work (as I hadn’t run on Sunday) On a warm night I set off, podcast of desert island discs, (I know it sounds sad but their are some great interviews Martin Sheen was this weeks Interviewee) Katy B & other tracks. I find that podcast helps the time pass & keeps my mind off aches or fatigue.
Endomondo Running Workout: "was out running 8.92 miles in 1h:34m:03s using Endomondo."
I hit about 4 miles when the stomach cramps kicked in. WHY IS THIS ALL WAYS THE CASE? that before you go for a run you try to go & nothing but 20 mins into a run…BOOM…Cramps.
After this half I’m going to be looking at improving my performance & speed work. The good thing about working for a University, is that I’m connected to the Sports Department & a tutor is going to get my down the lab to see if they can help with my times & how I run.
As I’m still having problems with my running style, I feel that I’m still heel striking instead of hitting on my front foot. So I’m finding myself switching between running styles, hopefully when I go down the lab, I can get this sorted.
Getting home my calves were in bits, I was worried that it was my Achilles , after a cold bath & shower & as the partners sister is a masseuse , she gave it a quick rub (my leg that is) I was gingerly walking around for the last few days.
Monday 25th April set off on little run (Yeah Right!!) usually I drive to the canal run (See previous posts) but this time i was feeling up for a run & set out from home.
What a warm day it was, i was glowing redder than my hair within a few minutes and chomping on a cola bottle sweet (To sustain my energy) at the usual point on the canal where i turn left, this time i went right into uncharted waters. I'd had a look on google & it was longer than my usual run, so feeling confident i took this turning.
Again mind & body weren't really in sink so pace wasn't it's quickest but as it was a new location i was enjoying the run. (Except for the greenfly) Listening to the podcast of the 10 O'clock show had me laughing out loud, the fisherman must of though I was rather strange! Well no more mad than someone running in the hot sun.
looking at my phone I'd noticed the Endomondo hadn't located the GPS so after 40mins of running it hadn't tracked anything. this is what i hate you run a small/quick distance it always track. but the bigger runs, when you want to look back with pride on what you've achieved!! NOTHING!!! arrrghhhh!! (This happened on my first 10k run last year, I could of wept) Thank god my Gamin forerunner 50 is working, or I'd never get my times.
Whilst I'm on about weeping! since the Nipple injury of a few weeks ago, the boys as I'll call them do seem to be rather delicate, with this run proving no better, having slapped a load of Vaseline on, whether it be the sun or my delay in going straight out, the Vaseline had rubbed off. I wished i had the body where i could go bear chested, but alas not with my moobs! i would scare the people I crossed!
Endomondo Running Workout: "was out running 12.62 miles in 2h:20m:32s using Endomondo."
When your running along roads, canals, woodland paths you don't feel very self conscious about yourself but when running along a busy road & high St, that s another matter. From mile 8 to 11 that's what i was face with, running past blokes outside the pub (Who'd had probably been their all day) & groups of teenagers staring at the ginger bloke in Lycra runners leggings trudging past them, was something else to take on, but still i carried on! Also including my phone switching off completely with a couple miles left. I hope this doesn't happen Sunday. (I think it's upset that I want the Samsung Galaxy S2 next month)
Making it home in 2:20:32 not a quick time but it will do for the amount of stops & walks I took.
Not only did i do my run but cooked a lovely roast! Which tasted even better as I'd got it on special from the co-op £2.50 from £9. You'll find out that i love the orange co-op reduction stickers even more than running...... Well it's all loading for my runs!
Now with only a few days to go before Lichfield Half, I’ve just got to work out what music ‘ll be playing & what I’ll be eating on the morning!!
Whats your favourite running tracks & pre-race meals????
Bank Holiday's you've just got to love them,