Tonight I had to go back to school literally. Our daughter (3) will be going to BIG school in September, so we were invited to check out the school, to meet the head & teachers. It looks like a great school with good teachers who are their to help encourage & guide the kids.
Following the school visit, I was off to see Craig @ optimal-performance with the Black Country Half Marathon Saturday, I'm still worried about my knee & with the way my Achilles blew up the week before at the wedding. I was in need of some treatment. Not only did he really work on my leg but put me through some exercises to see how my legs would hold out.
TOUCH WOOD everything seemed OK!
So another bike ride tonight & only one day left!!!BE STILL MY BEATING HEART!
DAY 29 ......YES 29...DONE
Bike ride 2.31 miles
TIME 15:32mins
DAY 28:
This is my second attempt at this as my first go has just vanished!!! AARRRGGGHHHHH
Any way now where was I. OH YES! I've booked another trip to the physio tomorrow as my Half Marathon is Saturday & my body is in no condition for it. MY I.T. band the other week & my Achilles from the weekend, I just hope that Craig can sort this out! After Saturday I'm going to give myself a little rest & concentrate on my interval training. (need to increase my speed)
The reason for tonight's ride is to go to the supermarket to pick up some RAZOR BLADES..... No dear reader, I'm not out to hurt myself but to use when bread making. Another one of my obsession apart from my family & running is to make bread, & thanks to RealBread_Karl (who I met via Twitter)who's a great guy who purely for the love of it teaches people to make bread the Richard Bertinet way. which creates fantastic bread. The blades are for cutting the dough just before baking to create crusty edges.
Tonight's ride wasn't hard but caught it just at the right time as the sky was beautiful with the sunset.
The only not so nice event was the fly that flew in my mouth that nearly chocked me.
Tomorrow is bring on the pain day
DAY 28...DONE! only 2 more to go People!! KEEP THE FAITH!
Biked 4.54 miles
Time 28m:04s
DAY 27:
Back to work today after a busy weekend, Going to bed at 3:30am is OK when you 18 but not when your 36 and have to be up at 7am. Today has been a struggle, I nearly fell asleep at my desk!!
Getting back tonight I spent some time with the little one chasing her around the garden with her water spray bottle. It was like a scene from Benny Hill with me chasing my daughter & the chickens chasing us both.
Putting the little one to bed I grabbed the bike & rode into the sunset: Well just down the road. I've said before with a couple of minutes there are some lovely country roads with great views.
Just took a nice easy route tonight. But had a nervous moment after mile 2 as the back wheel locked & I noticed that the nut had come loose on the wheel. The remainder of the ride was very gentile & smooth.
My mind is firmly on Saturdays HM, I just hope that my legs are OK. (JUST HOLD OUT BOYS) then I can have a nice rest after this week.
Biked 4.43 miles
Time 28m:25s
DAY 27 .......DONE ONLY 3 DAYS TO GO!!!
DAY 26:
Getting home at 2am I was straight to bed, shattered beyond belief (I'm getting on now) being woken by my Daughter at 730am wasn't nice but the cuddles & kisses were. So leaving the better half to her lye in, we went downstairs for her cherrios & Mickey Mouse programme, With me gingerly walking down the stairs as my leg was still painful.
The better half came down later & must of took pity on me as she sent me back to bed, for a much needed extra bit of sleep (My reward for driving I think)
Next came the emotional part of the day. The better half's Nan had past earlier in the year & today we were scattering her ashes. We have sponsored a tree to remember her by, (We also have a tree in the same orchard for my daughter. For when she was born to represent her growing up with strong roots)
Having paid our respect's everyone came back to our house for food, this wasn't to be a sad day but a day to celebrate the life.
Tonight's bike ride was just going to be the normal quick route until I saw the the sunset so kept riding to get a better view. then I just carried on in a big circle till I got home! as I neared home I was thinking about the day. I have some of the Chinese lanterns at home & getting one, took it to the nearby field to light one & say goodbye. As the lantern floated away to the heavens. I wished Nan Marg well.
Today's ride
3.75 miles
DAY 26.... DONE!!!
DAY 25:
#Juneathon started so positively for me, but now we draw closer to the end I just want it over! It's taking over my life. Today Myself & the better half are off to her work colleagues civil ceremony.
It was a lovely day (The rain kept away & we even had sun) wearing my Paul Smith suit we looked well fine!
But throughout the day I would be thinking, "would i be at hone in time to go out?" or "Can I do something here that counts?" I was getting a bit panicky (Which is just stupid) But then band started playing & instead of cheesy pop tunes they were playing more rock tunes. Seeing as i was driving back I wasn't likely to be dancing but then I had that light bulb moment "Dance = exercise = Juneathon activity" "OH JOY I can relax now." With tunes like Stereophonics Dakota, The Strokes -last night The Jam - Town Called Malice & The Clash -Should I Stay we were all having a great time, my legs were burning & on fire. The some bright spark created a dance corridor where we had to dance down the line showing our styles, when it came to my turn. I took my inspiration from my hero Keith Lemon & copying his Russian dance made my way down the line, everything was fine until I stopped then i felt my Achilles go bang!
FFS now getting injured whilst dancing is the silliest thing, especially if I've got to explain it to my physio!
But 2 hours dancing sweating like a mother, Dance offs taken place (One of the lads even did the Caterpillar) We were done. A great night & my task complete.
Probably my happiest juneathon challenge.
DAY 25 DONE!!! (Now limp away quietly)
DAY 24
Its Friday night my I'm ready to get another quick bike ride, off to a wedding tomorrow (all day) so already thinking how I'm going to squeeze in #juneathon task. How mad is it that #juneathon has taken over my life! I was happy with the time as I usually do this route in 14mins but tonight I only took 12 mins. so may start to challenge myself to make quicker times.
DAY 24...DONE!!
DAY 23:
As my walk last night crossed midnight I'm counting this as my day 23 activity as well. With my knee still worrying me I'm going to just use my bike until the HM on the 2nd! (Don't think I'll be smashing any PB's soon!)
Lets just hope my leg starts to improve & the rest helps
DAY 22:
Vice-Chancellor's Awards for Staff Excellence to celebrate staff achievement across the University.
We were down to the last three in the Excellence in Customer Service. So all the team had to dress up for the meal.....We enjoyed a nice meal & to top it off .... WE WON!!!!
Shocked but delighted, we all moved on to the pub round the corner to continue the celebration. I was driving so not drinking but he rest of the team raised a glass. I think my work colleagues think I'm mad as I said my goodbyes at about 11:30 so i could get back to do my run before midnight!
I got back home just before midnight, a quick kiss to the better half , got changed, grabbed my headphones & headed out. Still worried about my knee, I did something that I'm not used to I walked
the 1.6 miles in 29mins listening to the some random radio phone in show.
I got back to the house feeling shattered! & crashed on the sofa waking up & staggering off to my bed!
DAY 21:
Woke up this morning feeling like i had the worst hangover. (Even though I've not drank for weeks) ringing the office to say i wasn't coming in I spent the day feeling rough. I'd booked my appointment with optimal-performance to look at my leg as it had been so painful the previous two days. The appointment I'd booked was for 9pm as I would have been at work. I discussed with Craig the Physio what was going on with my leg, which was assessed as my iliotibial band. Then spent the net 45 minutes having my leg manipulated. (I didn't cry, but nearly yelped) Craig after the treatment shows me a couple of stretches & showed how using a foam roller would help. Then discussing my next run & arranging my next visit. (I was discussing my next HM which i said was going to be on the 12th. Until I remembered that it was in fact the 2nd ( OH SHIT!!)
Getting home about 10pm I grabbed my bike & just went on a quick trek around the estate.
Bike ride 2.19miles
Time 12m:56s
Aching leg 1
DAY 20:
Juneathon is about doing an activity that you wouldn't normally do! Well going out tonight for a walk is something that I wouldn't have done.
After yesterdays run, my knee is still really sore & have booked my optimal-performance sports massage for tomorrow, as the pain is worrying me more than when my shin splints play up.
So the mile walk (Well limp along) with my family was done & returned triumphantly back home to rest my knee again!
So today was a
DAY 20 DONE!! (Well limping along)
DAY 19:
I will call this this the "OUCH RUN". having had a lovely Fathers day, woken by kisses from my daughter & served breakfast in bed brought to me by the girls, nothing beats a bacon & egg sandwich with a cup of tea, followed by lots of cards & gifts.
Then we did the usual Fathers day run-around my parents then the better half's. From there I started the run back home. With the weather a little warm to nice to run in & feeling mentally & physically good. I began the trek home. following the canal towpaths that I have ran before. Enjoying the Radio 4 Friday comedy podcasts as I went.
This has been the first time I've really ran since last Sundays 10k, With my main concern being the knee pain that I felt towards the end of the run, I was feeling strong so the worry eased until between mile 2-3 where the slight twinge started to niggle at me, then it got a little worse until it was just a dull ache with every stride I took.
Knowing that I was still a while away from completion didn't deter me. Hitting just under 9 min miles. Then the ache was just eating away at me like tooth ache, so I took some walking breaks. My mind was bouncing between listening to the podcast to my knee, (Though this moment dulled the pain for a few minutes)
Then to what ifs? how long will this effect me will it be a constant pain. I've always felt blessed that I've not had to wear a knee brace like other runners at races. I always felt sorry for these runners that they had to suffer for their joy. NOW IT FEELS LIKE I'M ABOUT TO JOIN THEM!
I finally got home after covering 8.94 miles in 1h:41m:28s a really rubbish time normally but with how my knee is feeling, It doesn't worry me.
What does is the pain in my knee!!!
Looks like I'll be biking for the rest of Juneathon!
Limping & with an ice pack! DAY 19 DONE!!! "HAPPY FATHERS DAY"
DAY 18:
I love my daughter with all my heart. There isn't anything I wouldn't do for her but even at 3 she can so push all my buttons. tonight was no exception. So I was more than happy to go out for my Juneathon outing! I was going to ride to the 24hr ASDA as they are supposed to have some bike spares.
It wasn't until I was on the way that I thought out leaving my bike alone when....DOOOHHH
I didn't have a bike lock, (So couldn't leave my bike, maybe next time) so had to re-arrange my plans but the route I was taking was new with a few hills & ok flats. that got the thighs burning. but it was short ride so I wasn't feeling to bad! I'm so glad it was a short ride as I had Radio 1 Extra
blaring in my ears, so I was glad it was over quickly.
5.01 miles in 25:35
DAY 18 DONE!!!
DAY 17:
WOW day 17 & still here, though if last till day 10 before i bailed but Glad I'm still here. At last the weeks is over, here cometh the weekend! With Fathers day Sunday I can expect a nice lye in. but first tonight's bike ride had to be done. I nearly didn't go out, as for 20 minutes i was dancing around the living room with my daughter, which is a tiring experience running around after a 3 year old.
Tonight's 8.78 mile bike ride was only going to be a quick 20 min ride, but I was listening to the essential selection on Radio 1 so i just kept going eventually getting back after 50 minutes.
It was a nice ride today my thighs ache as always but I am feeling better when riding (No pun intended) But I do need a new seat as it breaking my ass in a half.
DAY 16:
Completely forget that the better half was going out. That was until i got home & was preparing to go out. The stern look on the better half told me that i was in she was going out.
leaving me the option of running on her return. But after the day I'd had I couldn't see myself going out. The last few weeks have been long and tiring & we going out everyday for Juneathon... I'm battered. Today I have been a bear with a sore head..which is unlike me as I'm usually the joker in the office. This has unnerved some of my work colleagues as their not used to seeing the moody me.
But then i as the better half was going out, it left me time with my daughter. (who's 3) Then I had a bit of a brain wave & which is unusual for me.
"Do you fancy coming running with Daddy?" was my question to my Daughter. "Oh Yes please" came her reply.
So getting the the pushchair & her ready. we ventured out, luckily I'd put the rain cover on as it had started to rain.My daughter dry, Daddy a little wet.
So here we are a bloke pushing his daughter playing Whats the time MR Wolf! with the Manic Street Preachers playing as we ran along. She was loving it. "I like this one Daddy" & Faster, Faster. which is a bit difficult when your running full pelt. (But not for long)
Just over 2 miles in 32minutes slow if I was running, but having a nice little outing with my daughter was fun! & we both giggles loads.
best run so far in Juneathon.
Day 16...DONE!!!!
DAY 15:
Tonight's run didn't take place till 10pm as I'd been to friends over in Sutton Coldfield, for a lovely dinner and catch up. Upon getting back I gave my partner & sleeping daughter a kiss then grabbed my bike. A quick bike ride was needed tonight as i was tired so following the same route as yesterday i completed the 2 miler in 14:37.
Day 15 DONE!!
DAY 14:
Today's blog is brought to you with the number 5 & the letter D. That's about as exciting as it gets. Having tickets for Newton Faulkner i needed to either go before or wait until I got home. This was a no brainer so grabbing my bike I took the path of least resistance a quick 2 miler in 13mins 23secs.
Made it back in time to go & see Newton Faulkner, who was really good, not my usual style of music but enjoyable.
DAY 13:
Woke up this Morning, SO TIRED!! i could of easily gone back to bed which, i did until my better half reminded me what time it was. Work today was a slog, I even had to resort to energy drinks to get me through the day.
The main issue I had was my knee, It had been aching in the later stages of the run and continued throughout the rest of yesterday & today! (I do hope that this isn't something new to interfere with my running)With this in mind I've decided to bike the rest of the week to try & give my body some recovery time. i also need to start going to bed early (As i write this at 23:15) YEAH RIGHT!
Tonight's quick bike ride totaled 4.77 miles in 26:43. Juneathon Day 13 DONE!!!
DAY 11:
First Midnight run! |
I'm not a huge fan of the midnight run but I'd do it again if my legs needed the rest.
SO DAY 10 & 11 DONE!!
2 runs 2 blog post! think I'll be ok!
Karma points -1
Running Workout: "was out running 0.00 miles in 7m:10s using Endomondo."
DAY 10:
So this could be my first or last controversial run of Juneathon. With my 10k run on Sunday & having booked a sports massage for today (Saturday Morning 11th June) I didn't want to go out again, so taking a leaf from @r0b_k
So wanting to make sure that the POWERS THAT BE were aware of the situation i made it common knowledge on Twitter of what i was doing as I didn't want to invalidate my Juneathon.
Getting the all clear & a few comments that i was a cheeky sod lol
Karma must of been against me as my runs didn't log on the GPS & wouldn't upload till I got home.
Endomondo Running Workout: "was out running 0.00 miles in 8m:06s using Endomondo."
Endomondo Running Workout: "was out running 0.00 miles in 7m:10s using Endomondo."
DAY 9:
Quick entry today for a quick bike ride, no malice no intention to be quick just to get out & get it done.
I have to admit I didn't think I'd done as far & as long as I had, maybe a new saddle will help to enjoy the experience. (As I do have a sore bum bum) lol
Booked a sports massage as well for Saturday so something to look forward to or not, dependant on the pain. before the 10k on Sunday. I must sort my playlist out tomorrow.
Endomondo Running Workout: "was out Bike riding 7.46 miles in 42m:42s using Endomondo."
DAY 9: DONE!!!!
DAY 8:
Someone must of swapped my legs for an 80 years old's in the night. Tonight's little run proved a struggle from the start my knees were aching so bad!
So not feeling the love I decided to take another route that I've enjoyed in the past across local fields, where in the past I've seen deer & foxes, which whilst running has given a much needed emotional boost.
Running across the field I saw in the distance a massive Alsatian, NOW I HATE DOGS!! since being bitten as kid!
but luckily the owner grabbed a hold of it, so making a massive detour away from it, I carried on then all of a sudden this F***ing huge rotti lamped up to me..I nearly shit a load. With the owners "It's ok
The rest of the run was fine, just some backache again.
I decided that i going for a sports massage this week be it Friday or Saturday before the 10k Sunday!
Day 8 run DONE!!!
DAY 7:
Another bike ride, had to wait for the other half to return from her Zumba session, which gave me time with my little one, for stories & bedtime cuddles then a quick bike ride! I will need to be getting a new saddle as its caining my ass.
Endomondo Cycling Workout: "was out cycling 4.54 miles in 34m:17s using Endomondo."
Day 7 done maybe a little run tomorrow! who knows! & better news my number for the Aldridge 10k arrived!!DAY 6:
God riding a bike makes your thighs burn.. some of the hills were a right hard slog!
THE WORST THING was that my runs/rides take me past a KFC, every time i go past it the smell drives me mad!!! Trying to be good is not easy!!!
But the route I've taken tonight has given me a new run to do. nearly 9 miles in 56mins. Longer than i was going out for, but nice outing.
And as we say another day done!!
DAY 5:
Sunday, my favourite day for a run....Well unless it's raining & today it's RAINING, It took all my motivation to get out & get running. I was going to do a big run (10miles+) but in the end I cut back, as I was tired & just wasn't enjoying it. Just glad it's done....
I've just got to work out what I'm running/Biking next week as I've got the Aldridge 10k next Sunday.To which i want to set a good time!
Run done...Day done!!!!
7.44miles in 1h:29m:30s
DAY 4:
Then the nagging began!! (No not the other half, she's ace) The nagging thought that I'd not run enough therefore juneathon would be over before it had begun. This kept going round & around in my head until about 10pm when i decided to go out. My partner, she thought i was just a little crazy to be going out at that time to run. I am & I did 1.7 miles in 17:40.
All done for another day!!
WHAT A WEEK!! I'm battered, it's been a tough & very long week, so running every day on top of the long stints have been more of a chore than a pleasure. Tonight I had two options run as soon as i got home or run just before midnight so it covers two days. I decided that I'd run as soon as i got home. so @ 6:20pm i headed out then 2miles ish & 18:22mins later run 3 of Juneathon
DAY 2:
Well that came round a bit too quick. Another busy busy day at work, didn't leave the office till just before 8pm, then straight out for the juneathon run! the other half was a bit miffed that i was going out after coming home so late! I feel battered and have o idea why I'm doing this. lol
Tonight's run wasn't going to be far but i still knew it would be hard! at least my back was holding together. 18:50mins later I'm back. tired, aching and Juneathon still on track!
Well Juneathon
Another fact of tension is that this time of year is our busiest time in the student office making sure that the students grades are all correct & on the system. So the two tensions weren't working for me.
I was still in the office till 7:20pm (1st June) so getting home about 8ish got changed & headed out at 8:40pm.
How lovely is it that it's still light at this time! (Give it 2 weeks & we'll be -edging towards winter again) so feeling tired but positive i set out, music tonight was the audiofuel grid mix an uptempo track starting at 160bpm thinking that this would push me on I set off! 1,2,3,4....1,2,3,4 (If you've run to audiofuel you'll get it)
Boy was I wrong after the first mile my back was in bits! i hadn't felt my back ache like this since i first started running! Trudging on i made another mile or so before i need to walk..Stop start stop start, & with every stop my motivation slipped away. the final Mile or so the pain left & motivation returned.
managing to do 3.82miles ( redone through mapmyrun as my GPS didn't link up for 4minuters) in 40 mins a really really slow run!!
Endomondo Running Workout: "was out running 3.28 miles in 40m:48s using Endomondo."
Well that's day one done!! only another 29 to go.....