AT last has it really only been 31days!!! But it has felt like longer at times. At least its taken my mind off the long wait for payday!
But it has arrived & thank god!!
Todays session was a nice relaxing Pilates session, working my core and legs all over! I still don't understand how something so painful makes me so relaxed at the end!
I even managed over a minute planking (Hard version)
Top month, have to say a big thank you to Cathy White aka @jogblog aka The Queen of pain who set up Janathon.
31 days done!
NOW to plan ahead!!!
Get a proper training routine!
Increase speed & distance
Join local running club!!!
Total distance:
Running 21.7 miles
Cross trainer 31.5 miles
Total Time:
3.5hrs running
8.7hrs gym/pilates/other
I've blogged & added all the exercises via runningfree (See below)
In closing Janathon done, alot easier than last years Juneathon. But at least no injurys.
Janathon Day 30
T - 2 days! nearly there, nearly there! Were so close to the end of the tunnel.
Todays cross-training session went really well! Ifelt like I was keeping a good pace all the way through. Room 101 kept me company on my session today!
Pilates tomorrow and then I'm done with Janathon!! YAY!!!
Then to get into some serious HM training.
Time: 25 mins
Distance 3.22miles
calories 238
Janathon Day 29
Quick run tonight! The little one didn't want to go to sleep, which was sending the better half doolalie, so I knew I had to be quick.
So getting my endomondo, micoach & even zombie run app ready, Off i ran. tonight was cold & the hour I was coughing after i got back proved that to me! but where nearly there! Monday gym session & then tues day Pilates! then I think I'll have a day off Wednesday!
Then my training begins! Janathon end I'm coming for you!
Distance 1.37miles
Time 11:08
Average pace 8:08
Calories 171
Janathon Day 28
Al Wilson is saviour of my Janathon, Saturday as always flew by & before I knew it it was too late to run. Before I knew it we were leaving to go to a Burns Night with friends.
So fully suited & booted and whilst eating my Haggis Tatties & neeps I was thinking that I'd have to have run around the car park to get the it out the way! As the DJ was playing the most god awful music! (Which meant no dancing for me) That was until Al Wilson came on! I love this song, I will dance to this song anywhere, (if they played it a funeral I'd probably dance!
So 3:29 seconds later with my lungs & thighs burning, I left the dance floor. I'll take that as my janathon exercise!
So thanks Al, job done!
Song Al Wilson Song time 3:29
Janathon day 27.
Quick fix today & even with the 5 minute cooldown, I still set a good pace!
Workout Name,Interval | ||||
Elapsed Time,25:00 | ||||
Calories,243 | ||||
Distance,3.0529 Miles | ||||
Distance Climbed,928 meters | ||||
Average Speed,11.8003 KPH | ||||
Average Pace,5:05 / Km | ||||
Average Heart Rate,141 | ||||
Product Type,CrossTrainer | ||||
Date and Time,01/27/2012 16:18:17 | ||||
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Janathon Day 26.
As Janathon draws to a close, its not that I'm bored of it, it's that I want to finish so I can get on with better preparation for the races that will be coming up in the next few months.
I wasn't going to a quick pace but even with the 5 minute of cooldown, I just seemed in the zone and was just hammering it!
Well another day done! Just a few more to go!
Elapsed Time,25:00 | |||
Calories,237 | |||
Distance,2.8354 Miles | |||
Distance Climbed,890 meters | |||
Average Speed,10.9659 KPH | |||
Average Pace,5:28 / Km | |||
Average Heart Rate,131 | |||
Calories / Hour,569 | |||
Product Type,CrossTrainer | |||
Date and
Time,01/26/2012 10:14:41
Janathon Day 25.
Today was a juggling game to get the the gym, with all the jobs that had to be done & where I was needed. But some how it got done.
Stepping into the gym I saw that there was a spare cross-trainer (OH JOY) but unfortunatly it was the one that has the broken connection for my nano, (BOO) but never mind I had with me my my usb to save my data(Yes I am that geeky)
Today's workout went very well, I increased up to level 11/12 for most of the run, Increasing my pace as well passing the 2mile point at 16mins 20 secs which I was very happy with indeed!
I can't wait for janathon to be over so I can get out running a bit longer & get my self to the local running club to get myself into better shape! As I know if I go for a big run, I'll do my self in, with only a few days left, I want to finish Janathon!!
But I'll take todays session as a good day!!
Workout Name,Interval | ||
ElapsedTime,25:00 | ||
Calories,235 | ||
Distance,3.1443 Miles | ||
Distance Climbed,885 meters | ||
Average Speed,12.1516 KPH | ||
Average Pace,4:56 / Km | ||
Average Heart Rate,145 | ||
Product Type,CrossTrainer |
Janathon Day 24
I'm so rubbish at being good breakfast porridge with hot water! For my evening meal I had a vegetable stir fry then ate my homemade ciabatta with butter & pate!
Too good to turn down!!
I've not had a decent nights sleep since the weekend having had to sleep on an airbed!
So feeling not as excited about the prospect of Pilate's. I ambled over to the gym, hoping that they'd have started already!!
WHICH THEY HADN'T (Thank you so much for waiting)
Today I was determined to set a decent time for me on the plank! I usually can only do about 20seconds which is shocking! but today I did just over a minute. Which is something to work on! YAY!!
55 mins later the class was finished! After the stretching & cool down, I could have happily had a sleep! But not today, as I had to be back in the office in 5. Quick shower & I was back in the office preparing for the afternoon ahead!
Activity Pilate's:
Plank: 1:02
“Not everything that is faced can be changed, but nothing can be changed until it is faced.”
― James Baldwin
― James Baldwin
Janathon Day 23
Monday means work , which also means GYM!! Thank god the students don't like Mondays! Choice of treadmills or cross-trainer! So today I ran with Heston Blumenthall not in the gym on 4oD.
So as he chatted about the wonders of chocolate, I was sweating off the porridge from this morning!
I would love a session where I'm not panicking about getting back to the office. It may help my concentration more but, even so. JOB's A GOOD UN!!
Day 23 done!
Distance 2.74miles
Time 25mins
Janathon Day 22
This morning felt very weird, the last time I awoke in this room was 11 years ago I'd returned to the family homestead! After last nights curry & sleeping on an air bed (Not a comfortable night to say the least) I awoke with my daughters elbow in my face, her wide awake & wanting to get up at 7am ON A SUNDAY!! I managed to subdue her for half an hour later until she would take no more excuses.
Luckily MoTD was on so instead of her Cbeebies she had to endure Lineker & Hansen. (She be ok as their the same mental age group)
later that morning I was treated to breakfast, nothing beats your mom's breakfasts even at 37!
The rest of the day was spent with my daughter making bread, playing in her imaginary shop 7 relaxing.
It wasn't until at 11pm that realised I'd not done my Janathon!! SHOCK, HORROR!! I wasn't in the mood to run, nor did I want to run around the garden.
So I did just over 10 minutes of Pilate's exercises to get my tick for the day! PHEW!!!
Janathon Day 21
Busy day doing nothing today, But still couldn't find time to have a run! It was only with an hour an a half before I was going out did I decide to go out!
Quick run bloody cold! which set me up nicely for the curry I was going out for!!
Time 11:59 mins
Distance: 1:36 miles
Calories: 114
Janathon Day 20
Calf muscle is still aching as I venture to the gym, yesterdays session was very busy, so I'm hoping that as its Friday the students have got better things to do than go to the gym! & it is all the cross-trainers are free and one one person on the treadmill! I know today is just about getting my run in, but I need to do at least 2 miles in the 20 minutes that I run or I do feel disappointed!
You have to love apple, I had one of the old 1st Gen nano's (which they found had a battery fault so recalled them all) I sent in mine! & got a lovely new 6gen one with the built in Nike+. (You know how i like my toys)
So as the cross-trainer can link in apple products set up up to record my info, but also allowed me to play my music through the cross trainer which made changing tracks so easy!
At the end of the work out i download the info (I also downloaded it onto my memory stick just In case)
The spent about an 2 hours trying to work out how to upload it! to no avail as it was there but itunes wouldn't recognise it! I don't want to but the Nike kit as I don't own a pair or have an iphone!
If anyone knows how to solve the problem is let me know!!
Equipment: Cross trainer
Time 25 mins
Distance 2.54 miles
Calories 221
Janathon Day 19
Another day, Another dollar bit gutted today because over at out other campus Steve Cram
So to subdue my disappointment I took myself to the gym at lunchtime! for some more cross trainer action! I didn't think I'd enjoy using the gym as much as I have.The cross-trainer does have features I like though you run laps & a 5K track which you see in graphic form. Which is nice to keep pace to or even try a bit of speed work.
Tine done & happy with my distance. its time to jump in the shower & get back to the office very red faced but happy that another day is done.Time 25 mins
Distance 2.6 mi.Calories 251
Janathon day 18
Busy week at work, so back in the gym today & on the cross-trainer, watching last nights Star Gazing on the i-player on my phone.
Having my mind distracted by watching something helps me me to forget about the pain or tiredness. This helped today as I put the settings quiet high but still tried to keep a good pace.
With the help of watching the programme I completed today's run in no time at all.
Distance 3.037
Time 25mins
Calories 226
Janathon day 17
Tuesday means Pilate's and again Jo put us through our paces. Late nights and exercise do not mix. As today i was shattered so didn't have energy. I still did everything even doing the harder moves. Though my core is still rubbish and my times for the plank are shocking. A guy in his late 50's early 60's seriously shows me up. Pilate's is always a double edged sword for me. As on the one hand i hurts but i also feel very relaxed as well. And nearly fell asleep, during the rest. 55 Min's later were done for another week. With promises to myself that I'll do the plank more during the week. Another day closer to the end.
Janathon day 17 done
Janathon Day 16
Back at work, so back into the gym for a quick run, I wanted to use the cross trainer, but as it was busy I got lumbered on the treadmill.
Nowt more to say
Time 20mins
Distance 2.3miles
Janathon Day 15
Standard run tonight but even though I didn't feel like running. At the 5 minute mark I was more ahead than usual, which gave me the incentive to try to keep the pace. completing the mile in 7:58. Which is my quickest mile in a long time.
<> <>
time 9m:57s
calories 152
---------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
The panic was setting in, Birthday on the 14th so how was I going to get a run in, with all my Birthday plans revolving around drinking & eating, I don't think I'd be in a position to crawl let alone run.
So the old Midnight cross over run was going to have to come in play! I've used this a few times during Juneathon but not this month. The better half giving me her "your crazy" look & going to bed left me to get ready for my run! I thought it was going to be cold, but my phone was telling me it was -5.
This need to be a quick run so sinking my endomondo & micoach apps I trudged off. about 3 minutes into the run, I could feel the earlier meal of steak & wedges, being not the most helpful of partners. As it felt like I was carrying a lead weight around with me!
The air was crisp but not as cold as I though, so managed a few more minuted than I expected.
Finishing my run a year older! & knowing that i could look forward to beers without the guilt.
Time 11:57pm 23:14 (running)
Distance: 2.25 miles
Calories: 281
Temperature -5
Janathon Day 12
Quick gym session!
Time: 23 mins
Janathon Day 11
Quick trip to the works gym! jumped on the tread mill today for a change. not a lot more to say about it!
Distance 2.08
Time: 22:45
Janathon day 10
Today I venture back to the world of pain that is Pilate's. For such a relaxing past time it really hurts!!
But as it's only 200yards away, I've got no excuse not to. Out instructor Joanna is great very supportive, but very cute which is a real hindrance & incentive, as you never want to look a wimp, so push yourself further.
Its so weird that when I'm working on my abs I'm in so much pain! I have the worst core strength ever. me doing Pilate's is best described as the "SHITTING DOG" I shake that much after only a few seconds.
The the next minute I'm close to sleeping as It always relaxes me. Though tomorrow I'll be in pain.
I've also spoken to an old friend who runs with a local club, so I'll be looking at joining them soon.
Busy day indeed.
Tomorrow will hurt, I bet.
Janathon day 10 Done!!
Janathon Day 9:
Monday & back at work. Busy week ahead so not sure how much time I'm going to be able to spend in the gym. With the students returning, The gym is going to become a busy place. so I'm lucky to get straight onto the cross-trainer. I had to be back on the office so I could only do 23 minutes. but at least its done.
I am enjoying the gym, but need to get on the weight for an all round session.
Got to work on those guns lol
Distance: 2.8096
Calories: 196
Janathon day 9 done!!
Janathon day 8
New bathroom being created this week so moved all the tiles & suite upstairs. You think moving 18 packs of wall tiles & the suite would be easy but by the end of it, my legs were on fire & I was blowing harder than running 10 miles.
Now that's what Janathons all about not even leaving the house.
Distance: 25ft x 15
Time 10 mins
Calories 0 (I baked bread so only going to gain them)
Janathon day 8 DONE!!
Janathon day 7:
Today is a day that I don't want to run, not through injury, but overindulgence.
last night we went to Ego in Lichfield fantastic food.
Then today we went to Cosmo's which is an all you can eat buffet style restaurant. So lets say we felt obliged to eat loads! & I did so stuffed from last night & even more so today.
So tonight's run felt like I was carrying two of me.
So fatty bum bum got himself round the block.
Distance: 1.29 miles
Time:11:47 mins
Calories: 161 cal
Janathon Day 7 done!!
Janathon Day 6!
Another day another dollar, but at least the gym is open. Quick lunchtime go on the cross trainer, watching the rain comedown luckily not having to listen to my daughters music.
Felt comfortable today on the cross trainer, but still my back was aching. I'll have to get back to the Pilate's soon.
Janathon Day 6 Done!!
Distance: 3.1 miles
Time:30 mins
Calories: 269 cal
Janathon Day 5:
Back to work today after a lovely Christmas break. Wonderfully work had introduced a great staff offer of only £30, for a years gym membership! (That will do nicely) As its 200meters from the office I nipped out on my lunch for a quick trek on the cross trainer.
First day back mistakes were made as my phone had about 10% battery left & I'd forgotten my charger so took my a memory stick over, I knew there was music on there, but not sure what!!
Yes that's right! not my music but my daughters!!! I had a choice of "Charlie & Lola" Disney or "the Sound of Music"....Yes right of course I went for the sound of music! the hills were definitely alive with the sound of music after quick run, I was showered and back at my desk...solving a problem like Maria!
Distance: 2.43 miles
Time: 23.22 mins
Calories: 212 cal
Janathon Day 5 Done!!
Janathon Day 4:
Tis the better half's Birthday today and after presents & breakfast. As were having the bathroom redone I had to go to the local bathroom dealer to pick up the suite & tiles.
Having loaded & unloaded everything back at home, we continued the BETTER HALF's Birthday. With friends & Family dropping by. As Janathon covers all exercise I tweeted the gaffer @jogblog to see if that would count! It could have done but I didn't get the message back until the next day. So as i was unsure I in my head "Had to go out." To the bewilderment of my partner i went for a quick run only a quick run, but a run none the less.
Run done, partner bewildered!
Janathon Day 4 Done!!
Distance: 1.28 miles
Time: 11m:53s
Calories:160 kcal ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Only day 3, & I'm hooked, I know this would happen as the things that I should be doing/taking care of, I never do but silly things like janathon xbox games, bread making take over my life (
Case in question this morning I went to bed at the rip old time of 7am as I'd been up all night playing s bloody silly game (Well not silly, but in the big picture of life it is)
Waking after a couple of hours kip I did my Fatherly duties (with my Partner) took my Daughter to one of those adventure land places (Kids enclosed with slides & ball pits. You get my idea)
Now I've definitely got that mind set on as "I'm running so I can eat what I want" Yes I know it will come to bite me on the ever increasing Bum, but a sausage sandwich & tea were too tempting.
I did have a run around with my daughter & her cousin, (I do, do a great gruffalo impression) At the back of my mind I was thinking that this would be enough as even the Great Cathy White AKA the Governor of janathon jog-blog. did a quick run on day 1. (but I'll save one of those as a get out of jail card day!)
Today I did feel more positive about my running I was looking at running 3 miles but maybe the weekend so today another same local run, Same time as Monday but feeling a little more confident.
Janathon Day 3 Done!!
Distance: 2:16miles
Time: 20:28
Day 2: Janathon
Ok, so it's only day 2 but my thighs are on fire & my back is in bits! But what the hell, ITS JANATHON lets get too it. Thank God, the sky was blue and the weather was crisp! (Had to get my old trainers on as my normal ones were still soaked)
I feel almost scared to run any distance at the moment, I'm hoping that the by the end of this I'll be able to get some higher mileage under my belt. Without injury I hope. As at the end of Juneathon I was battered, which resulted in injuring my IT band. (That was a painful & expensive injury to treat)
Today's miCoach free workout - 2.4 miles / 09:54 pace / 23:48 min / 300 cal.
Janathon day 2 DONE!!!!
Cathy White or @jogblog or the sadist as i think I'll refer to her this month (Only Joking) has devised the most addictive & painful experience for a runner: Janathon!!
Having taken part in last years Juneathon we are back to play again!
After stuffing yourself silly with all that the festive season has to offer, you then have to spend the next 31 days puffing and panting those extra gained pounds.

I’ve not ran for a while, mainly keeping warm in the gym. But today I had to don my runners and head out in the pouring rain! (And it was POURING)
A few weeks away and you really do go back to square one: 2.4miles in 20m:48s a slow, slow run for me. I managed to get back in one piece but spent the next 30 minutes coughing like crazy. (like I’d been smoking woodbine's for 20 years)