I have to say that half of me has enjoyed not running the other half hasn't enjoyed piling on the timber!
At least after the BC Half Marathon I was going to have a break, till September 4th when I return to the Wolves Half Marathon.
I been really nervous about running so think that has been some reason why its taken me so long to get back to running. As having an injury really knocked my confidence, as I was think that as soon as i would start I'm going to get injured. (The passion for running was evaporating very quickly)
One of my main reasons to get back running is that I'm getting closer to my Sponsor target. For those who have been popping in to check this blog out. I've been running 10k & Half Marathon's for Macmillan nurses. http://uk.virginmoneygiving.com/ianmaullin
It's been a bit of a struggle to get sponsors but after the BCHM the monies started coming in, especially when i offered to wear a WOLVES shirt for the day (being a West Brom fan) this was harder to do than the HM with a knackered IT BAND. but thanks to my boss (Who's a wolves fan) pushed me over so as you can see i had to endure a day of emotional pain.
This will not be the only pain i endure as @ £300 i said that I would get my leg
s waxed & how they all seemed to rally around with the money to put me past THAT target.(One colleague donated £50 to the cause) Once I've sorted someone to come do it, then the pictures will be online.
Tuesday (2nd August) I had set my mind to run come hail or high water! I was going out.Not far from me is a nature reserve which i decided would be my destination . . I've just received my new phone Samsung Galaxy S2 & loving it! so with adidas micoach & endomondo apps running I set off with the ministryofsound running-trax-3 pumping through my headphones.
Now I bet you all think that that I just smashed back into. NO my back felt like I'd been slammed by Hulk Hogan. It was really painful every stride hurt. But after about 20 minutes in the pain subsided & I enjoyed the run! It was a warm evening but I wasn't really tired during the run! I just wasn't motivated as I should have been & had a few walking sections but enjoyed the run along the canal path. I was surprised when I finally hit a main road as i realised where I was. (I knew how far I'd traveled as the MICOACH updated me every half mile to what I'd travelled)
feeling very pleased with myself more so that I had passed out after 5 minutes. heading back along the path I even got to enjoy the view of the farmers fields. But did get a little concerned when I stumbled on a herd of cows , which were only separated by a small fence! & one of the girls looked in a mood!
Home in 1h:16m:26s & 6 miles done very slow but my leg hadn't given me pain (So I'll have to wait & see)
Miles: 6:09
Time: 1h:16m:26s
Belly wobble: far too many
Playing with new toys BIG SMILEY FACE
The Lone Runner has got back on the horse & has hit the trail!